Chanko-Nabe ちゃんこ鍋

ウイイレ2020茨城国体静岡代表 ベスト16を経て第2回YUBIWAZA CUPでは準優勝を果たした経歴を持つ。その他、草津温泉湯桶杯オンラン予選準優勝、コミュファウイニングイレブン2021オンライン大会優勝、The CRAZE×ROOTS Gaming Match決勝トーナメント進出、全国都道府県対抗eスポーツ選手権2021鹿児島ベスト4と数々の戦績を収めている。攻め気たっぷりのプレイスタイルで点を量産する。

This player, representing Ibaraki in the 2020 National Sports Festival for Winning Eleven, achieved the Best 16 as the Shizuoka representative. They went on to secure the runner-up position in the 2nd YUBIWAZA CUP. Additionally, they have a history of notable performances, including being the runner-up in the online qualifiers for the Japan Onsen eSports U Cup, winning the Community Winning Eleven 2021 Online Tournament, reaching the finals of The CRAZE×ROOTS Gaming Match, and making it to the Best 4 in the 2021 National Prefectural eSports Championship in Kagoshima. Known for their aggressive playing style, they excel in scoring goals.

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